Craft & Design - 1 point
Category | Question | Answer | Last Updated |
Craft | Blanket, buttonhole, tent, and ladder are all types of what? | Stitch | 2024/04/09 |
Craft | Whittling is the creation of objects from which material? | Wood | 2024/04/08 |
Craft | In sewing, what term describes the finished opening on the waistbands of trousers and the cuffs of sleeves at which a piece of fabric is reinforced with a fold or layer for zippers and buttons to be placed? | Placket | 2024/10/31 |
Tradespeople | What type of object is repaired by a luthier? | Stringed musical instruments | 2025/01/01 |
Design | What name is shared by the horizontal bar on which a bell hangs and the end of a guitar where the tuning pegs are situated? | Headstock | 2024/10/22 |
Design | Named in Time Magazine’s Inventions of the Year list for 2023, and winner of a German Design Award and IF Design Award, what is the simple positive 3-word name of the paper liquid holder invented by Hong Kong packaging company Choose Planet A, the creation of which hopes to reduce the environmental effect of the 500 billion disposable cups humans discard per year? | The Good Cup | 2024/12/07 |
Furniture | What piece of household furniture takes its name from an empire that was formally ended in 1922 during the establishment of the Republic of Turkey? | Ottoman | 2024/12/14 |
Craft & Design - 2 points
Category | Question | Answer | Last Update |
Design | Using the standard RYB colour model, what two colours are combined to make purple? | 1. Red 2. Blue | 2024/10/31 |
Craft & Design - 4 points
Category | Question | Answer | Last Update |
Printing | In the CMYK colour model, as used in printing, for what do the letters C, M, Y, and K stand? | 1. Cyan 2. Magenta 3. Yellow 4. Key | 2025/01/16 |