Economics - 1 point
Category | Question | Answer | Last Update |
Theory | The title of a 1968 essay by Garrett Hardin, what term is given to the theory that says when a number of people are given unfettered access to a finite resource, they will overuse it? | The Tragedy of the Commons | 2024/04/08 |
Terminology | What three-word feline-related term is given to a small, short recovery by a collapsing stock? | Dead cat bounce | 2024/06/15 |
Finance | What is the largest stock exchange in the world? | New York Stock Exchange | 2024/04/07 |
Banks | What was the name of the US bank that went defunct in 2005, shortly after scandals in which it was exposed to have helped Chilean and Equatorial Guinean dictators Augusto Pinochet and Teodoro Mbasogo hide money, acted as the medium for September 11 hijackers to be paid, and allegedly enabled a Saudi prince to receive bribes from a weapon's manufacturer? | Riggs | 2025/01/15 |
Currency | The ringgit is the currency of which Asian country? | Malaysia | 2023/04/20 |
Cryptocurrency | In December 2024 Australian computer scientist Craig Wright was given a suspended jail sentence as punishment for repeatedly trying to sue people who dismissed his claim of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of what cryptocurrency? | Bitcoin | 2024/12/27 |
Economies | A mass sell off of sterling forced the UK to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism on 16 September 1992. What day of the week completes the nickname given to that event: Black…? | Wednesday | 2025/01/16 |
Economics - 4 points
Category | Question | Answer | Last Updated |
Currency | What four animals feature on the reverse side of Canadian coins? | 1. Beaver (5¢) 2. Caribou (25¢) 3. Loon ($1) 4. Polar bear ($2) | 2024/04/09 |
Economics - 6 points
Category | Question | Answer | Last Updated |
Currency | What six fully independent countries, as recognised by the United Nations, use the pound as their currency? | 1. UK 2. Egypt 3. Lebanaon 4. Sudan 5. South Sudan 6. Syria *Syria and Lebanon's currencies are also called the lira and the qirsh | 2023/04/20 |