

Language - 1 point

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
AlphabetsHow many letters comprise the modern Greek alphabet?
Old EnglishWhat is the modern English translation of the archaic word 'rood', as seen in the title of the Old English poem The Dream of the Rood and the site of Scotland's parliament, Holyrood?
(1 point)
Cross / Crucifix
EnglishThe English use of the words ‘beef’ and ‘pork’ for cow and pig meat stems from which other European language, which became prominent in Britain after the Norman Conquest of 1066?
ChineseWhat is the English translation of the Chinese word diannao 电脑, the meaning of which is literally ‘electric brain’?
World LanguagesThe Spanish words aguacate, tomate, and peyote - meaning avocado, tomato, and peyote - are derived from what Central American language?

Language - 2 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
LanaguagesWhat are the two official languages of Chad?
1. Arabic
2. French
Māori Written using the Latin alphabet, what are the two digraphs - those being two letters written together to represent a sound - that appear in the modern Māori written alphabet?
1. Wh
2. Ng

*Wh is similar to the English ‘f’ sound. Ng sounds like the ng in ‘singer’.

Language - 4 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
FrenchWhat are the words for the four compass points - namely north, east, south, and west - in the French language?
1. Nord
2. Est
3. Sud
4. Ouest

Language - 5 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
WordsExcluding ‘non-word’ categories (such as abbreviations, interjections, prefixes and suffixes, proper nouns, modern slang, and Old English variants), as well as plurals, what are the five words in the Merriam-Webster dictionary that start with the letter p and include none of the five vowels A, E, I, O, and U?
1. Ply
2. Pry
3. Psych
4. Pygmy
5. Pyx

Language - 6 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
AlphabetsWhen spelt out using the Roman alphabet - as in α being a-l-p-h-a - what are the six letters of the Greek alphabet that contain the letter ‘o’?
1. Epsilon
2. Iota
3. Omicron
4. Ro (rho)
5. Upsilon (ypsilon)
6. Omega

Language - 10 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
LexicographyAccording to the Oxford English Corpus, what are the ten most common English words found in writing?
1. the
2. be
3. to
4. of
5. and
6. a
7. in
8. that
9. have
10. I