

Religion - 1 point

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
ChristianityThe Lindisfarne Gospels, currently housed in the British Library, are dedicated to which saint?
St Cuthbert
IslamIn 638 caliph Umar I accepted the surrender of which major religious city, placing it under Muslim control until 1099?
EgyptianOften depicted as a falcon, or a man with a falcon’s head, what Egyptian god was said to be the sky, with one eye serving as the sun and the other the moon?
Horus / Hor
JudaismWhat Hebrew word means ‘In the beginning’, and is the title of the first book of the Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible?
AndeanAccording to traditional Bolivian culture, the fetus of what type of animal should be buried beneath a person’s house or burnt as an offering to the fertility goddess Pachamama?
DeitiesYahata, Amaterasu, Ō-Inari, and Fūjin are amongst the principle gods of which religion?
SitesWhat building in Paris was constructed on the order of Louis IX to house relics including what were thought to be Christ’s crown of thorns, a piece and nails from the Holy Cross, and drops of Jesus’s blood?
PracticesAlso known as tadasana or samasthiti, what name is given to the basic yoga pose in which an individual stands straight, with feet together and hands by their side?
Mountain pose
MiscellaneousComposed by Richard Strauss and named after a book by Friedrich Nietzsche, the title of the opening music to the film 2001: A Space Odyssey references the founder of which religion?

*The music and book are both called Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Zarathustra was also known as Zoroaster.
MiscellaneousWhich religion, founded in the 19th century, is led by a nine-person ruling body based at the Universal House of Justice in Israel?

Religion - 2 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
IslamThe Hijrah saw Islam prophet Mohammed and his followers travel between which two cities?
1. Mecca
2. Medina

Religion - 4 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
ChristianityThe Protestant Church divides the ten commandments into four that aim to guide one’s relationship with god, and six to guide one’s relationships with people. What ideas are presented in the four commandments that deal with one’s relationship with god?
1. ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me’
2. ‘Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image’
3. ‘Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain’
4. ‘Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy’

Religion - 5 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
JudaismWhat are the five books of the Hebrew Bible that make up the Torah?
1. Bereshit (Genesis)
2. Shəmot (Exodus)
3. Vayikra (Leviticus)
4. Bəmidbar (Numbers)
5. Dəvarim (Deuteronomy)

*The Torah, or 'instruction' or 'law', is comprised of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which are also the first five books of Christianity's Old Testament.


Religion - 7 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
ChristianinityWhich seven papal names have been used by ten or more popes?
1. John (23)
2. Gregory (16)
3. Benedict (16)
4. Clement (14)
5. Leo (13)
6. Innocent (12)
7. Pius (12)

Religion - 9 points

CategoryQuestionAnswerLast Update
ChristianityIn the Catholic Bible, including Old and New Testaments, which nine books contain multiple books?
1. Samuel
2. Kings
3. Chronicles
4. Maccabees
5. Corinthians
6. Thessalonians
7. Timothy
8. Peter
9. John